Our Story

It all started with a love for rescues, and a dream.

Our story starts a little sad, as we lost both our girls in early 2023 - Bailey & Bella - and Penny the year before that, all rescue pups. We first got Bella, our black labrador, in 2010 from an amazing rescue transportation company called Rescue Road Trips. She was wandering the the rural roads of Texas and was run off by farmers when she was found eating their dogs food. She was my velcro dog. Bailey, our first pitty/lab mix, came to us about six months later, after her previous owner kept her in a cage all day resulting in mange and a broken paw. Bailey was a free spirit and such a lovebug. Penny was a foster failure, meaning we were supposed to just watch her for the weekend until her foster mom came back. A minute with her and we knew we were about to be a family with three dogs. We had 14 wonderful years with our spoiled girls, and even though we are healing from broken hearts right now, I wouldn't trade my time with them for the world.

Knowing we honor their memories by continuing to open our home to rescue pups, it wasn't long before our next pup was adopted. Meet Dante.

With love, 
Matt & Ashley

Most shelters are overrun with mostly pitty/mix dogs, and those are the ones who end up paying the ultimate price, just because of the breed they were born as. We fully believe dogs are a product of their environment, training and how much love they are shown, and try to adopt the most un-adoptable dogs when we can. Dante is a pitty mix, we think maybe with shar pei, but 100% lovable. We are still in the puppy stage and he is our resident taste tester for our amazing treats. He approves of each one so far.

Our business began mid 2023 when I ended up losing my marketing job to a company wide layoff. I decided if there was anytime to start a business, now was the time. With a passion for dogs and a dream to take my future in my own hands, I Pitty The Treat was born.

We strive to create dog treats with ingredients you can pronounce, as we recognize dogs are family members too. We hope you enjoy our treats for years to come.